- This year’s season will run from Wednesday, May 2, 2019 to Wednesday, September 12, 2018. This allows for a maximum of 20 games to be played. Recording of score cards and post game analysis takes place in the club house following each Wednesday round.
- In order to remain a member in good standing for the following year a minimum of 10 games must be scored unless there are extenuating circumstances.
- The Twilight League membership will be a maximum of 72 members. New members will be accepted on a first come first serve basis.
- All potential new members submitting applications with a cheque on the first week of play will be ranked, at random, at the close of play that night, to form a waiting list (Please make cheque payable to “Sage Hills Golf Club”). Each week a random drawing will determine new names to be added to the list. New members will be entered into the League as openings are confirmed. Previous members returning to the League will be given preference over potential new members.
- Players submitting their fees to the League Treasurer on the evening of their first round will pay only $75.00. Those members paying their league dues will have their scores entered and points calculated for that week.Points will not be calculated until such time as the fees are paid. Included in this cost are; calculation of handicap, points championship, best ball tournament, two man scramble and co-ordination of match play during the season, as well as prizes and a BBQ steak dinner at the final tournament. A list of members will be maintained by all members of the executive. $25 of your fees go towards the Tournament green fees.
- Twilight rate for this season is $35.00 after 3:00 p.m. It is necessary to pre-book your tee off times with Sage Hills Golf Club. You can pre-book up to one week in advance. To book times you must phone directly to the pro shop and let them know you are with the Twilight League. To book times you may use the internet or personally on the phone.
The members passed a resolution to waive the annual league dues for members of the executive to compensate time and effort that goes into running the league.
- Winter rules apply, with restraint, in the fairways only.
- The rules of golf apply in all cases, and should there be a dispute, or interpretation required, this will be resolved by the Twilight League Captain.
- All match play and special competition rounds must be played at Sage Hills Golf Club.
- This constitution of the Twilight Golf League cannot be modified in any way without a membership meeting, at which time at least 51% of the league membership must be present.
- Members 70 years of age or older may play from the forward tees. If this option is taken they must play the entire season from these tees.
- The home course for the Twilight League is Sage Hills Golf Club, located on Sage Hill Rd East, Warden WA.
- It is extremely important that all members attempt to play at Sage Hills Golf Club on Wednesday evenings so that the weather and course conditions are the same for all. Please book tee-off times at the pro shop (509) 349-2603.
- A minimum of 16 members must report scores on Wednesday night in order to have points calculated for that week. Less than 16 members reporting scores on Wednesday night will result in all scores and match play being scratched, regardless of day or course being played.
- Each member will be allowed to submit two scores for nights other than Wednesday night. These scores are to cover Wednesdays when it is not possible to play (eg. holidays, etc…). These scores must be submitted PRIOR to the Wednesday that they are to be applied to. These games must be played with another member. The course played must be a minimum par 35. All games played on a Wednesday night must be submitted for scoring.
- If a member plays Wednesday night at Sage Hills Golf Club, a score from another evening cannot be handed in for handicapping and points championship calculations.
- When a member completes 18 holes of golf, the first 9 holes is the score to be handed in for handicapping and points calculation.
- To be eligible for weekly points, score cards, verbal reporting of scores to the League Secretary by telephone, or e-mail the League Secretary must be done no later than 12:00 noon Friday of the week scoring is to be calculated for.
- To ease identification of member’s scores, score cards must have the first and last name of each player in the top section.
- To ensure all pars, birdies, and eagles are counted, place a circle around each par, a square around each birdie, and a horseshoe around each eagle. Total the number of each and write this total below the score for the round. For example, – 3P 1B 1E.
- All score cards must be signed and attested to by 1 member in good standing.
- All score cards must be handed in on the evening the round was played. To make this point very clear ! NO SCORES ARE TO BE SCRATCHED !
- Handicaps established from last year’s average will be used to calculate a player’s net score for the first three rounds. New players will be given an estimated handicap. The estimate is calculated as the difference between the player’s gross score for his first week and 35, less 2 strokes, to a maximum of 20 strokes.
- Handicaps will be based on 96.15% of the difference between a players gross score for 9 holes and 35, to a maximum of 30 strokes. Handicaps will only be calculated on the player’s best scores to the following schedule;
- Points are awarded based on net score ranking for all players per week.
- The player with the best net score will be awarded 60 points. The next score will be awarded 59 points. The remaining points awarded will decline by 1 for each position lower than the best score, to a minimum of 10 points.
- In the event of 2 or more golfers having the same net score, the points for the positions equal to the number of tied golfers would be totaled and divided by the number of tied golfers. For example, the second best net score is 42, and 3 golfers are tied. The points awarded for second is 59, for third is 58, and for fourth is 57. The total for these three positions is 174, divided by 3 gives each golfer 58 points. The next best score would be ranked fifth and receive 56 points.
- Points will be awarded for the first 16 games reported out of the potential 20 games in the season. 10 points per game will be awarded after 16 games have been reported.
- Members wishing to participate in match play must indicate so on the membership update form at the back of this newsletter. Your membership fee must be paid in order to be eligible to play.
- Match play will consist of 2 flites; ” RED ” and ” BLUE “. Each flite will have 2 series, “A ” and ” B “.
- Due to the method of pairing for match play, the number of participants must be limited to 64, 32 in each of the two flites.
- The ” RED ” flite will include those players with lower handicaps. The previous year’s membership is ranked alphabetically within handicap, from the lowest to highest. The mid-point handicap is determined by dividing the total number of interested members by 2 and counting down the handicap ranking the appropriate number of members. The handicap of the mid point is used to divide the membership into the ” RED ” and ” BLUE ” flites. The ranking list is also used to determine pairings for the match.
- As there may be more than 32 members eligible for the two flites, participants will be taken on a first come, first serve basis.
- All participants begin in the “A” series of each flite, and the ” B ” series is formed from the losers of the first round of the ” A ” series.
- All match play rounds must be played by the date specified on the match play schedule. It remains the responsibility of the players to arrange a mutually agreeable match time. One week’s grace beyond the specified match date is allowed if agreed to by both players. The League Executive reserves the right to declare a winner, and will do so, where delayed match play will jeopardize the schedule.
- Handicaps are based on the handicap in effect on the day the game is played. It is the Players’ joint responsibility to ensure that the prevailing handicaps are known prior to commencement of play. In the event that handicaps have not been confirmed at the time of play, the actual handicaps will prevail.
- Unless otherwise agreed by the match players, a party forfeits his match if he has not arrived in the Sage Hills Pro Shop within thirty (30) minutes after the agreed match play starting time.
- A player having a benefit of a “warm-up” prior to the beginning of the match play, while the opponent has not is considered to have an unfair advantage. Unless otherwise agreed, both players should start the match play “cold” or both have a “warm-up” opportunity.
- The difference between the two players’ handicaps determines the strokes to be “given”. The player with the lower handicap is the “giving” player, while the player with the higher handicap is the “receiving” player. The strokes to be given are distributed in order of hole difficulty, over the nine holes to be played.
- The player “giving” strokes selects the course to be played, and a coin flip will determine the tee-off order. When playing a match play in a foursome, it is recommended to allow the match players to tee-off ahead of the remainder of the foursome, regardless of finishing order from the previous holes.
- The winner of match play is determined by the number of holes won. The hole is won by the player with the lower number of strokes including “given” strokes. The player “receiving” strokes reduces his hole score by the number of strokes “given” before determining which player has the lower number of strokes.
- In the event of a tie after nine holes, the match continues on the same nine hole course, under “sudden death” rules, until a winner is determined. The number of strokes “given” will remain, and on the same holes. By agreement, players may continue on the next back nine. The number of strokes “given” will remain and will be distributed again in order of difficulty.
Best Ball
- The Best Ball Tournament will be played on Wednesday, September 5, foul weather date being Wednesday, September 12.
- Best Ball partners must be chosen before commencement of play. The scorecard for Best Ball must have no more than two players on the card, in order to ease calculation of scores. It must be clearly marked that it is to be included in the Best Ball Tournament.
- Scoring is calculated by taking the best score of each partner for each of the 9 holes to arrive at a combined gross score. The handicaps of each of the partners is totaled and divided by 2. This combined handicap is subtracted from the combined gross to arrive at the combined net score.
- Prizes are awarded for the best combined gross score and combined net score.
- In the event of a tie for low net, scores will be analyzed under the following criteria, until a clear winner is determined:
2. most combined eagles